YACHT, or Young Americans Challenging High Technology, is an eclectic artistic collective founded in 2002 by Jona Becholt, Claire L. Evans, and Robert Kieswetter in Los Angeles. Known for diverse creations, from albums to installations, they explore with minimalism and machine learning collaboration, earning a GRAMMY nomination in 2020. Their multidisciplinary projects span music, philosophy, technology activism, and beyond, captivating audiences globally.
YACHT's website is a celebration of creative minimalism, embodying their ethos of doing more with less. The vibrant screen colors, harmonious transitions, and beautiful typography create an engaging user experience. The intuitive navigation and creative imagery ensure a captivating journey through their site, echoing the artistry found in their music. Importantly, the website maintains a low-carbon footprint, aligning seamlessly with YACHT's commitment to sustainability.
Design by Special Offer