Esmée Bruins
A skilled artist and photographer, she creatively explores childhood memories using found objects like textiles, plaster, tin, and wood. Her nuanced pieces delve into fragmented recollections, ranging from domestic incidents to introspective reflections, showcasing the interconnected nature of memories and their impact on perception.
The website boasts a sleek design with the convenience of toggling between light and dark modes. It embraces minimalism, featuring a sans-serif font, clear black-and-white aesthetics, and a well-organized layout with visible grids and reticula. The simplicity extends to project presentation, offering two clear options for viewing – either as a list or with big thumbnails. The typography is crisp, contributing to a focused and straightforward user experience. The site's emphasis on content and well-explained visuals, coupled with square buttons and a lined structure, epitomizes a sophisticated, grotesque, and minimalistic style.